After you accept a delivery order, it will move to the Current tab. Once you have the order ready, press Create Delivery to dispatch a Trellus driver to your business for either same-day delivery (ASAP) or on a future date for a scheduled delivery.
This window will open and allow you to place the delivery request for ASAP (Today) or Schedule for a future date.
On this screen you will also be able to check off if you want the customer to sign for the delivery, which means if nobody is home to sign and accept the delivery, the driver will have to fail it and a return task (and charge) will be created and the package will be brought back to you.
You can enter a Dropoff Note, which will be seen by the driver. This is especially helpful if the house is hard to find, you want them to use a specific door or there's a gate code.
You can also add any internal notes you may need to add to the order, that will only be visible to you on this order's details page.
You can schedule a delivery for any date in the future and choose a pick-up time frame. Please note, pick-up windows are a request, and we do our best to honor them. These are not delivery drop-off windows. Our drop-off guarantee is Same-Day.
When planning your delivery pickup, keep in mind that you cannot schedule a pickup if it’s within 60 minutes from the start of that window.
Delivery Labels:
After you create your delivery, click the three dots to the right and then click View Order or click the order number to go into the Order Details Page.
On the right-hand side you'll find the Fulfillment Details section. If this is a delivery order, you'll be able to print the delivery label from the orders detail page. Using this label is crucial for preventing delivery errors, as our drivers often handle multiple packages. A clear, easy-to-read label ensures each package reaches the correct destination.
You do not need a label printer for these, although it is sized to fit a typical 4x6 label printer. You can use regular paper and a standard office printer.
Lastly, heading over to the Deliveries tab you'll be able to view the status of all your Marketplace deliveries, as well as any manual deliveries you have in the system.
If you prefer to stay on the Orders page, the delivery status will update on the right hand side were the Accept, Create Delivery, Ready etc. buttons previously were.
To learn more: Getting to know your Delivery Dashboard